<style >
tr . condtn1 td : last-child {
background -color: #ff3232;
font -weight: bolder ! important ;
tr . condtn2 td : last-child {
background -color: green;
font -weight: bolder ! important ;
tr . condtn3 td : last-child {
background -color: yellow;
font -weight: bolder ! important ;
tr . condtn4 td : last-child {
background -color: transparent;
font -weight: bolder ! important ;
</style >
<script >
function DataBound( e)
var columns = e. sender. columns;
var columnIndex = this. wrapper. find ( ". k-grid-header [data-field=" + "MarginValue " + "]"). index( );
//iterate the data items and apply row styles where necessary
var dataItems = e. sender. dataSource . view( );
for (var j = 0; j < dataItems . length; j++)
var ForecastedValue = 0;
var actualRevenue = 0;
var budgetedValue = 0;
var marginValue = 0;
ForecastedValue = dataItems [ j]. get ( "ForecastedValue");
actualRevenue = dataItems [ j]. get ( "ActualRevenue ");
budgetedValue = dataItems [ j]. get ( "BudgetedValue");
var row = e. sender. tbody . find ( "[data-uid='" + dataItems [ j]. uid + "']");
if (ForecastedValue > actualRevenue ) {
row . addClass ( "condtn1"); // refer css style above
else if (ForecastedValue < actualRevenue ) {
row . addClass ( "condtn2"); // refer css style above
else if (budgetedValue < actualRevenue ) {
row . addClass ( "condtn3"); // refer css style above
else {
row . addClass ( "condtn3"); // refer css style above
</script >
<div class="director-dashboardProject ">
@( Html. Kendo( ). Grid<SPAN. OMS. ViewModel. SummaryView >()
. Name( "UsaProjectGrid")
. Columns( columns =>
columns . Bound( p => p. ProjectName). Format( "{0: n2}"). ClientFooterTemplate( "Grand Total:"). Width( 122);
columns.Bound(p => p.BudgetedValue).Format("{0:n2}").Width(122).ClientFooterTemplate("#= kendo.format('{0:c}', sum) #").Format("{0:c2}");
columns.Bound(p => p.ForecastedValue).Format("{0:n2}").Width(122).ClientFooterTemplate("#= kendo.format('{0:c}', sum) #").Format("{0:c2}");
columns.Bound(p => p.ActualRevenue).Format("{0:n2}").Width(122).ClientFooterTemplate("#= kendo.format('{0:c}', sum) #").Format("{0:c2}");
columns.Bound(p => p.ActualCost).Format("{0:n2}").Width(122).ClientFooterTemplate("#= kendo.format('{0:c}', sum) #").Format("{0:c2}");
columns.Bound(p => p.CommissionValue).Format("{0:n2}").Width(122).ClientFooterTemplate("#= kendo.format('{0:c}', sum) #").Format("{0:c2}");
columns.Bound(p => p.MarginValue).Format("{0:n2}").Width(122).ClientFooterTemplate("#= kendo.format('{0:c}', sum) #").Format("{0:c2}");
. Events( events => events. DataBound( "DataBound")) // On data bound we need to check data values and need to do the required changes.
. DataSource ( dataSource => dataSource
. Ajax( )
. Events( events => events. Error( "error_handler"))
. Aggregates( aggregates =>
aggregates . Add( p => p . BudgetedValue). Sum( );
aggregates . Add( p => p. ForecastedValue). Sum( );
aggregates . Add( p => p . ActualRevenue ). Sum( );
aggregates . Add( p => p . ActualCost ). Sum( );
aggregates . Add( p => p. CommissionValue ). Sum( );
aggregates . Add( p => p. MarginValue ). Sum( );
. Read( read => read. Action( "GetUsaProjectSummary", "SummaryView "). Data( "ItemFormValues"))
</div >
columns.Bound(p => p.BudgetedValue).Format("{0:n2}").Width(122).ClientFooterTemplate("#= kendo.format('{0:c}', sum) #").Format("{0:c2}");
columns.Bound(p => p.ForecastedValue).Format("{0:n2}").Width(122).ClientFooterTemplate("#= kendo.format('{0:c}', sum) #").Format("{0:c2}");
columns.Bound(p => p.ActualRevenue).Format("{0:n2}").Width(122).ClientFooterTemplate("#= kendo.format('{0:c}', sum) #").Format("{0:c2}");
columns.Bound(p => p.ActualCost).Format("{0:n2}").Width(122).ClientFooterTemplate("#= kendo.format('{0:c}', sum) #").Format("{0:c2}");
columns.Bound(p => p.CommissionValue).Format("{0:n2}").Width(122).ClientFooterTemplate("#= kendo.format('{0:c}', sum) #").Format("{0:c2}");
columns.Bound(p => p.MarginValue).Format("{0:n2}").Width(122).ClientFooterTemplate("#= kendo.format('{0:c}', sum) #").Format("{0:c2}");
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