In desing page
// put one literal
<asp:Literal ID="TATLiteral1" runat="server"></asp:Literal>
string sql = "", sql1 = "", sql2 = "", sql3="";
string condition = "";
string strXML, strCategories1 ;
DataTable fdt = null;
DataTable fdt1 = null;
DataTable fdt3 = null;
OracleCommand cmd = null;
OracleDataAdapter da = null;
/// genarate the data for your graph
sql = " Your Query to get data";
fdt1 = new DataTable();
cmd = new OracleCommand(sql, conn);
da = new OracleDataAdapter(cmd);
// after getting data put it in the XML format as below
// header tag for graph
strXML1 = "<graph rotateNames='0' animation='1' numdivlines='4' baseFont='Arial' baseFontSize='10' baseFontColor='000000' useRoundEdges='1' showLegend='0' bgColor='ffffff' borderColor='ffffff' showYAxisValues='0'>";
// categories
strCategories1 = "<categories> <category name='0-2 Hrs' /> <category name='>2 Hrs' /></categories>";
strXML1 += strCategories1;
// dataset you are providing
strXML1 += " <dataset seriesName='"+fdt3.Rows[0]["HOSPNAME"]+"' color='8B0000' showValues='1'>";
strXML1 += "<set value='" + fdt1.Rows[0]["Total"].ToString() + "' />";
strXML1 += "<set value='" + fdt1.Rows[1]["Total"].ToString() + "' />";
strXML1 += " </dataset>";
strXML1 += " <dataset seriesName='"+fdt3.Rows[1]["HOSPNAME"]+"' color='2F4F4F' showValues='1'>";
strXML1 += "<set value='" + fdt1.Rows[2]["Total"].ToString() + "' />";
strXML1 += "<set value='" + fdt1.Rows[3]["Total"].ToString() + "' />";
strXML1 += " </dataset>";
strXML1 += " <dataset seriesName='" + fdt3.Rows[2]["HOSPNAME"] + "' color='20B2AA' showValues='1'>";
strXML1 += "<set value='" + fdt1.Rows[4]["Total"].ToString() + "' />";
strXML1 += "<set value='" + fdt1.Rows[5]["Total"].ToString() + "' />";
strXML1 += " </dataset>";
strXML1 += "</graph>";
// binding to literal
TATLiteral1.Text = FusionCharts.RenderChartHTML("../ChartsLicense/MSColumn2D.swf", "", strXML1, "Preauthinfo", "350", "170", false);
NOTE : Graph is also depends on the swf files which we provide like BAR, COLUMN , LINE , STACKED (here m using Multi series column graph) So download all the swf files from ( refer it for more info for graphs)